
No. 43, Shwe Tharaphi Yeikmon, Bayint Naung Road, Kamaryut Township, Yangon


No. 43, Shwe Tharaphi Yeikmon, Bayint Naung Road, Kamaryut Township, Yangon


No. 43, Shwe Tharaphi Yeikmon, Bayint Naung Road, Kamaryut Township, Yangon

Get In Touch

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    Offices and Factory Locations

    Yangon Head Office & Showroom

    No.(43), Shwe Tharaphi Yeikmon, Bayint Naung Road, Kamayut Township, Yangon.

    Hot Line: (+95 1) 7531100
    Tel: (+95 1) 7538230, 7513987, 7503303, 7502271
    Fax: (+95 1) 7539156

    Yangon Ahlone Office & Siemens Showroom

    SB-3, Aung Zeya Housing Complex, Kyee Myin Daing Kanner Road, Ahlone Township, Yangon.

    Hot Line: (+95 1) 2314155
    Tel: (+95 1) 2314157, 2315206, 2315160

    Yangon South Dagon Showroom

    No.(506-508)-B, Mogoke Street, Industrial Zone(1), South Dagon Township, Yangon.

    Tel: (+95 9) 429339730, 429339731

    Yangon Factory

    No.(506-508)-B, Mogoke Street, Industrial Zone(1), South Dagon Township, Yangon.

    Tel: (+95 1) 3590819, 2348198, 2348138, 2348545-48
    Fax: (+95 1) 3590818

    Mandalay Office

    Room-8, 26th Street, Between 78th & 79th Steet, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay.

    Tel: (+95 9) 91029788, 91029789, (+95 2) 4068422

    Nay Pyi Taw Office

    No.(147), Thiri Yadana Shopping Complex, Nay Pyi Taw.

    Tel/Fax: (+95 67) 3420877, 3421877, 3421899, 3421400, 3421411